- Passed 300-115 exam
- I failed 300-115 exam at my first try. I found that Passtcert has updated 300-115 exam dumps, and then I tried the updated version. Luckily, I passed 300-115 exam at my second time.
- Passed 300-115
- To pass Cisco 300-115 exam was my urgent requirement and I got that requirement fulfilled with the help of the website of Passtcert and its products. These are well sorted out products and they have really given me support and courage which was necessary for me to get pass in Cisco 300-115 exam.
- Passed
I cleared 300-101 test today with 9XX
Passtcert dumps are valid.
D&D , VSS vs Stack , Simlet
STP timers , HSRP correct statements.
Simulation labs: AA dot1x /Numbered ACL)
- 536 Q&As are valid,
HelloPassed the CCNP route 867. Labs eigrp stub, eigrp sim, pbr. Questions from 536 Q&As of Passtcert.Thanks
- Passed
Hi guysI passed my exam with 9xx/1000. I read from your 536 Q&As still valid.I had only 1 Lab (eigrp stub) but I had a problem. I can not save the configuration I did. I tried “copy running-config startup-config” and “wr”, none of them is correct.
Cisco CCNP Certification is a validation of an individual's skills
Cisco CCNP certification is a high demand Cisco certification in IT industrial area. It becomes the basic Cisco certificate requirement for many successful IT companies.
To get Cisco CCNP certified, you need to complete all the CCNP certification tests. To many candidates, it is not an easy thing. You can find many CCNP certification courses online and many CCNP certification training resources around you. They will only provide you the Cisco CCNP certification knowledge, but not to test and evaluate your knowledge and ability. Coming to try Passtcert Cisco CCNP practice tests will help you get CCNP Certification easily.
Passtcert high quality Cisco CCNP certification practice tests offer you the easiest and quickest way to get CCNP Certification without headache.
- CCNP Exams
300-101 Implementing Cisco IP Routing
Add to wish list 798 Q&As Updated: October 19,2019 Price:$ 66.99
300-115 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks
Add to wish list 342 Q&As Updated: December 29,2024 Price:$ 66.99
300-135 Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks
Add to wish list 72 Q&As Updated: December 29,2024 Price:$ 66.99
642-801 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks(BSCI)
Add to wish list 175 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-891 Composite Exam
Add to wish list 334 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 19.00
642-811 Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN)
Add to wish list 258 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-821 Building Cisco Remote Access Networks (BCRAN)
Add to wish list 244 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 19.00
642-831 Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting (CIT)
Add to wish list 248 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 19.00
642-825 Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks
Add to wish list 226 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-901 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks
Add to wish list 247 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-845 Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks
Add to wish list 184 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-812 Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks
Add to wish list 227 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-892 Composite Exam
Add to wish list 383 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99
642-832 Troubleshooting and maintaing cisco ip networks
Add to wish list 57 Q&As Updated: December 29,2024 Price:$ 66.99
642-813 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks
Add to wish list 99 Q&As Updated: December 29,2024 Price:$ 66.99
642-902 Implementing cisco ip routing
Add to wish list 123 Q&As Updated: December 29,2024 Price:$ 66.99
642-437 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Voice over IP and QoS v8.0 (CVOICE v8.0)
Add to wish list 256 Q&As Updated: June 09,2015 Price:$ 66.99
642-617 Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Solutions (FIREWALL v1.0)
Add to wish list 86 Q&As Updated: December 29,2024 Price:$ 66.99
642-637 Securing Networks with Cisco Routers and Switches (SECURE) v1.0
Add to wish list 136 Q&As Updated: September 13,2014 Price:$ 66.99